V. Creativity of Consciousness

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Besides being luminous, consciousness is also creative. It is on account of its creativity that the universe in its entire diversity has come to being. Just as the seed, though so small, gives rise to the tree of even the largest size, even so consciousness, thought infinitesimally subtle, has given birth to the universe of so gigantic a size. When the Katha Upanishad (VI.1) describes the universe as primeval with its root lying above and branches extending downward, it indicates to the same creativity of consciousness characterized here in the latter part of the mantra as lustrous, Brahman and immortal besides having the universe rooted in it and dependent on it. Reference to consciousness as Brahman is suggestive of its expansive nature. The expansion of consciousness, however, is by no means just for the sake of expansion. It is creative. Had it not been so, consciousness would not have undergone the processes of subject-object cleavage, transformation into the physical, variation of the latter into gaseous, liquid and solid, recovery of the vital out of the physical and of the mental out of the vital.